
The Petal Boutique - Florists in Andover

Gift Flowers

Spring Flowers

Funeral Flowers

Mothers Day


Welcome to The Petal Boutique Florist in Weyhill


Beautiful local flowers hand delivered throughout Andover SP10, SP11, SP9 and SP4 and the surrounding villages. Our flower delivery page details the areas we go to.

To order flowers please take a look at our online shop. Call 01264 771382

We like to do things a little differently! As an independent flower shop we have chosen NOT to be a member of any relay companies, allowing us the freedom to stock OUR choice of the most beautiful seasonal blooms available, and to create unusual flower and colour combinations that we, and you, will love!


Opening Hours

Monday ​​: Closed
Tuesday : 9am - 5pm
Wednesday : 9am - 5pm
Thursday : 9am - 5pm
Friday : 9am - 5pm 
Saturday : 9am - 4pm
Sunday : Closed